Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Going to Be a Looooong Summer!

Why is it that at the end of the day, when I am warn out and exhausted, that my kids decide to go absolutely crazy? It's like something clicks in their twisted little minds that tells them, "Wait! The day is almost over and we only have a few short hours to do as much obnoxious stuff as possible... we better get a move on!" I swear between just before dinner and right up until they pass out on their pillows they turn into absolute hellions. Please tell me that mine aren't the only ones...

In somewhat related news, Calvin graduated from preschool yesterday and is now home all day, everyday... hmmm, wonder if my exhaustion has anything to do with that?!?


  1. You are not alone! I do admire your patience though, (I always have). I know my kids have a special gift to sense when I am beyond exhausted. It is at this time that they know I don't care about much and they try to get away with everything. I don't have a secret fix figured out yet, but I'll let you know when I do. My kids go to bed earlier then most - just because I need quiet time!

  2. I think they call it the bewitching hour for that reason. I completely understand. :S


Thanks for saying hi! Go Ducks!!